In what is just the latest of a series of Unfair Labor Practices committed by Greg Baracy (already the Eduction Association has filed more than 75 against district negotatiors), Wayne Westland minions have posted their last contract offer on the internet.
It's a joke, and their commentary on it is full of lies and half truths.
Lie #1 : The district claims their offer includes 6% raises for half the staff.
Not true. The so-called 6% raises are not raises, but step increases for teachers with less than twelve years. It takes twelve years for a teacher in Wayne Westland to earn a full salary. Teachers in other districts reach that in half the time.
Here are the real numbers, straight out of the published contract:
The starting salary in 2007/2008 was $34,409.
The proposed starting salary for 2008/2009 is $34,753.
That's ONE PERCENT, not SIX.
The top salary for a Masters Degree Teacher in 2008/2009 was 77,160.
The propose starting salary for a Masters Degree Teacher in 2008/2009 is 77,931.
Where's the six percent in that?
If you read carefully, you'll see that the actual raise is 1%. That works out to $14.80 a week for a teacher receiving a full salary.
Lie #2 :
The district claims
the new contract will reduce class sizes.
What a joke. It reduces classes by one student. Next year.
So elementary schools will go from 31 students to 30. High school classes will go from 38 to 37.
Parents and teachers all know that's absurd. Reducing classes by ONE student will not result in any improvements in learning.
Lie #3:
The District claims the new contract will contain health care costs.
In fact, in spite of the various plans offered, the teachers' still is cheaper -- by $300,000.
Lets be clear on that. The District is willing to pay for a plan that will cost $300,000 more than the one the teachers are asking for.
But here's the irony. The District's MORE EXPENSIVE plan actually provides LESS coverage than the cheaper teacher MESSA plan.
But there's more. If you read carefully, the proposal doesn't specify which of the plans the district actually will pay for -- just that it will be one of those listed. And there is no information on what that one plan will cover.
Three lies.
And here's the truth:
The truth is that Greg Baracy is a small and petty man, who is more interested in getting his way than in helping the school district. If the teachers want a particular helath plan, then he doesn't -- even if it costs the taxpayers of Wayne Westland more money. If the teachers and parents want smaller classes becuase it will improve education for the students -- Baracy has no interest. And if better pay will attract better teachers -- and help retain those we have; he doesn't care about that either.
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Mr. Baracy IS a small and petty man. He has no idea what respect means. His demeanor is disrespectful to those to whom he is most responsible, the community members and teachers of the district.
Need proof? Just watch a board meeting on Comcast or WOW cable to see him in action. He cuts people off and justifies his interruptions (but does so anyway, again and again). Nonverbal communication says soo much more than verbal. Watch the latest school board meeting and take notice of Mr. Baracy and his red faced anger. He almost ate his glasses he was so angry and upset at those who did not agree with his viewpoints on how money should be spent. And what happened to the last speaker at the board meeting? Were her comments too much for Mr. Baracy to take and he had them edited out? Shame on you Mr. Baracy for altering a public meeting to suit your ego and agenda.
Is it any REAL surprise that Baracy is LYING and trying to promote HIS agenda to the community via the district technology he is SO proud of having?
Somehow Baracy has a reputation of being "The Greatest" among the school board..OR maybe he has BULLIED them into their comments on the website!
Caps on insurance coverage, 1% pay raises and 37 students in sceondary education classes (40+ in gym and music!!!) ....and he wants to say that he is FOR the students of this district?
Mr. Baracy, you supposedly have a doctoral degree in educational something...try looking into the lastest educational research and see what is says about class sizes. My last dollar will bet you that ALL of it states that smaller classes and more individualized attention at all grade levels translates into increased student achievement and performance.
Baracy is like Matt Millen of the Lions...he looked good on paper years ago...but his time has come. Please Mr. Baracy do us all a favor and get over your own ego for the sake of our community and our students.
Now that I have that out of my system....
My question is this...
Why would ANYONE, especially a public "leader" such as G. Baracy want to have such a horrible relationship with those that are responsible for doing the work of a school district?
It seems very obvious that Mr. Baracy is anti-union, anti-negotiation, and bascially anti-teacher!
Teachers want a stable, secure and equitable contract. As teachers, we knew going into this profession that we would never be rich; however, I believe we had a reasonable expectation though - that our mangement would at the very least respect the work we do and compensate us at a rate comparable to our peers in surrounding districts. Is that really so unreasonable? My colleages and I do not think it to be unreasonable. I feel the community supports our position, especially as it relates to over crowded classes and what amounts to unsafe working/learning conditions for our teachers and students.
Afterall, who is being unreasonable, the WEA or WWCSD Management?
WEA wants a contract that has a reasonable class size, health insurance and wages.
Quality health care IS an option under the current proposal...BUT at a cost that negates any sort of wage increase.
Class sizes that are reasonable...33/34 at the secondary level are consistently "overloaded" with the "up to plus four" stipulation in the contract we are currently under. In essence we are agreeing to teach up to 38 students if we remain status quo . NOT ACCEPTABLE to me and is should not be acceptable to anyone...Community members, School board members or Mr. Baracy himself.
WWEA members, community members...stay strong and support those that provde the education that will shape the future of your community and schools! Support your teachers. Contact your school board. GET YOUR VOICE HEARD! Do what you KNOW IS RIGHT MR. BARACY...settle this contract so we can ALL concentrate on what is the purpose of our being here...the students and their education...not furniture, supplies, or health insurance caps!
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